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The Biofeedback Federation CIC is a community interest company based in the UK dedicated to increasing awareness about the benefits of biofeedback and providing education, training and certification to professionals. It is entirely supported by revenues generated in its online shop, through sponsorships and donations. Thank you for your support!
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DR. SWINGLE'S SEIZURE DISORDERS WEBINAR RECORDING This 1-hour webinar recording by Dr. Paul G Swingle discusses the neurofeedback assessment and treatment of individuals with seizure and pseudo-seizure disorders. This presentation includes the discussion of seizures within the context of autism, due to the autistic spectrum population's vulnerability to seizures and the negative effect of the seizure medication on the development of the individual. Included in the recording are outlines of common EEG patterns in those with seizures, and many client cases, with reference to ClinicalQ assessment results and BrainDryver (neurotherapy) training. Dr. Swingle also discusses effective adjunctive treatments that can be used either in the clinic and at home, such as acupuncture, au...
IMAGERY TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE WEBINAR RECORDING Over this 1-hour recording, Stephanie Nihon reviews the theories and strategies for teaching athletes imagery to improve their performance, as well as discusses the history of imagery in the field of psychophysiology. Examples of suitable imagery will be given, along with exercises that elicit the best responses for her players. Stephanie will also display what 'good' and 'bad' imagery looks like in terms of a neurofeedback monitoring session, as display in 1Hz bins bar graphs and a 2-dimensional EEG spectral display. Note: All views expressed in the recording are solely those of the presenters and participants and not those of the BFE....
CORSO BIOFEEDBACK DELLA VARIABILITÀ DELLA FREQUENZA CARDIACA (HRV) Ogni corso viene attivato con un minimo di due partecipanti. 24 ore formative Formazione teorica, pratica, tutoring, esercitazioni Durata minima stimata 2 mesi (svolgendo i tutoring a cadenza bisettimanale) A chi è rivolto: Ai professionisti che vogliono integrare l'utilizzo dell' HRV-biofeedback nella loro pratica professionale. Obiettivi corso HRV • Definire l’HRV e comprenderne le origini • Apprendere l’utilizzo del software Kubios 3.0 • Misurare correttamente la frequenza cardiaca per poi ottenere le principali misure dell’HRV • Spiegare il meccanismi alla base del RSA biofeedback e il razionale per la sua applicazione • Sape...
INTEGRATED NEUROFEEDBACK ONLINE CLASS RECORDING Instructor: Dr. Francois Dupont In this 6-hour class recording, Dr. Francois Dupont reviews the Integrated Neurofeedback software suite. The goal of this suite is to facilitate neurofeedback training after some form of EEG assessment, like full cap QEEG (NeuroGuide, HBI, SKIL, Loreta, etc.), mini-Qs (TLC assessment, QuickQ, DCN128, etc.), and symptom based assessments such as the Brownback-Mason CNC-1020. Using the target EEG data gathered from the assessment, the software in the Integrated Neurofeedback Suite automatically creates numerous training protocols tailored to the client, which allows to address a wide range of conditions and disorders. Also, innovative review screens make the tracking of progress easier than ever. Les...
RESEARCH IN NEUROFEEDBACK & EPILEPSY WEBINAR RECORDING CONTENT: In this 1-hour webinar recording, Dr. Diana Martinez presents a general background of neurofeedback and epilepsy based on the use of slow cortical potentials. Definition of epilepsy, and why it is so much more than seizures, especially considering the level of cognitive co-morbidity. the two primary neurofeedback protocols that benefit epileptics: sensorimotor (SMR) and slow cortical potentials (SCPs). brief history of study of SMR and neurophysiological basis of SMR. indication of which studies are the most important in the field of neurofeedback & epilepsy description of slow cortical potentials and how she performs training with her young clients. useful webinar for indiv...
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