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In this 1- hour session recording, Dr. Robert E. McCarthy, author of the Integrative Medicine Suite - Setting Up A State-Of-The-Art-Practice, will review the Cancer booklet documentation his clinic has provided in accompaniment with the Integrative Medicine software suite. Dr. McCarthy will go into details about the psychophysiological model of cancer growth and regression, disease dimensions, scoring, and imagery exercises. Client examples were given and participants had the opportunity to ask him questions about the material.
This session is part 2 of a 3-part Expert Opinion series, where Dr. McCarthy examines the documentation included with the Integrative Medicine software suite. Session 1 focused on the overview of all the docum...
In these four 1.5-hour session recordings, originally presented in October 2013, Linda Walker instructs participants on Z-Scores neurofeedback. She shows how to assess, interpret and train using Z-Scores, as well as general tips she has developed through her own experience training individuals.
- Lesson 1: What is Z-Scores (norms-based neurofeedback), how it works, how it compares to "traditional" neurofeedback, research in Z-Scores, review & tips for a correct montage (electrode hook-up), and running an assessment.
- Lesson 2: Running an assessment (continued) using the Thought Technology Z-Scores suite, avoiding EEG artifacts, review and interpreting Z-Scores data, and running a training session with Z-Scores.
- Lesson 3: Revi...
Il programma di affiliazione per i Centri di Eccellenza è rivolto a centri riconosciuti a livello locale/regionale/nazionale/internazionale, dipartimenti universitari o cliniche che vogliono essere certificati per la formazione e la ricerca sul biofeedback.
I benefici per un centro di eccellenza derivano dalla capacità di BFE di offrire, per lo staff e per i clienti del centro, istruzione e educazione riguardo al biofeedback.
Attraverso questo programma si riceverà un totale di 10 ore di istruzione online (8 ore lezioni registrate + 2 ore di supervisione dal vivo) su 1 o 2 specifiche modalità di biofeedback (es. HRV, conduttanza cutanea, ecc.).
In seguito, sarà eventualmente possibile ampliare le conoscenze dello staff e accedere a tappe successive del...
In this 1-hour webinar recording, from November 12th 2013, Dr. Swingle offer his insights into the neurological sequellae of exposure to traumatic emotional stress and its treatment with neurotherapy. Whether your clinical population are veterans of combat, survivors of sexual assault, or witnesses to intense events, this presentation is sure to be fascinating....
The field of Integrative Medicine has grown considerably over the last
decade as many health professionals look for additional methods of
treatment for their clients where they address the whole person and
not just the disease. Listen to this hour long webinar where Dr. Robert E. McCarthy gives an introduction to the scientifically-based
integrative medicine approach that is used in his private practice. He
will examine various perspectives of the integrative method including
his practice organization, method of diagnostic interview, high-risk
disease model (predisposers, triggers, buffers). The introduction to
this approach will be done within the context of a case study with a
client and will e...

Displaying 161 to 165 (of 232 new products) |
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