In this 1-hour webinar recording Dr. Hindin covers the importance of physiological dentistry for a wide range of stress related dental patients. The recording introduces an innovative system to monitor physiologic functions and incorporate biofeedback modalities into patient care. Dr. Jeffrey Hindin, describes how he uses this system to observe and record objective changes before and after the insertion of an orthotic and with each subsequent modification or adjustment.
Jeffrey S. Hindin, D.D.S., F.I.C.O.I is a general dentist practicing in New York in all phases of dentistry with an emphasis on craniofacial pain, TMD, and sleep disorders. The webinar recording is included in the price.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The views expressed in the webinars for the intended use and efficacy of durable medical equipment (DME) are solely those of the lecturer and not those of the foundation. The webinars are scheduled according to Dr. Hindin's availability and the convenience of the first participants. The exact dates and times of other webinars in the series will be listed in the shop as soon as they are confirmed.
STANDARDS: To view class recordings on Mac computers specialized plugins for the .wmv format are required. These are not provided by the BFE. The purpose of the recordings is to familiarize the learner with the methods used by Dr. Swingle in his practice. The recorded version may include questions and answers from participants. Every effort has been made to ensure the highest standards of education. All views expressed in the recording are solely those of the presenters and participants and not those of the program.