Available Dates:
Thursday, January 9th
2:00-3:00 PM Eastern Time (Canada/US), corresponding to 20:00-21:00 in Germany/France/Italy
Thursday, February 13th
2:00-3:00 PM Eastern Time (Canada/US), corresponding to 20:00-21:00 in Germany/France/Italy
Thursday, March 13th
2:00-3:00 PM Eastern Time (Canada/US), corresponding to 20:00-21:00 in Germany/France/Italy
Need help interpreting a client case, based on Dr. Swingle's ClinicalQ & Braindriver method?
Not sure how to proceed with training?
Attend one 60-minute live session, where users of the Swingle ClinicalQ and Braindriving method, developed by Dr. Paul G. Swingle, will have the opportunity to present a challenging case for review and guidance. With Dr. Swingle Seniors' formal retirement, Dr. Mari Swingle, Director of the Swingle Clinic, will now take the lead, providing her expert opinion on how to interpret the ClinicalQ Assessment report, as well as suggest how to begin with Braindriver training. Participants also benefit from being able to review approaches taken by other professionals using this method.
These sessions are open to professionals using any hardware/software platforms that follow the ClinicalQ and Braindriver method. Register early as class sizes are limited.
Online Case Submission: Each participant is guaranteed one case submission. By agreeing to participate in the session you agree to respect the confidentiality of all client information.
Interested in attending the entire series of Dr. Swingle's Monthly Grand Rounds?
Click here to view
Dr. Swingle's Monthly Grand Rounds Winter 2025 Series
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